Dear attendee,
we are looking forward to see you in Palma and have a great weekend together. Here are important things to know about the PHPucEU.
We invite you to our opening evening on friday at the bar Ginbo at 20.00.
Officially we start on Saturday at 9:30 clock with registration and coffee.
Afterwards we will get together at 10:30 to vote for each talk or workshop. See our timetable.
Please have in mind what an Unconference means:
- "An unconference are coffee breaks as a principle" -- J. Andresen
- The audience decides directly on the topics of the Unconference.
An unconference contains two important parts:
- Coffee breaks - talking to other developers and meeting great people
- Knowledge in form of talks, discussions, workshops and "Let's try’s”
We are part of the community, so you will find a community-driven event. You tell the community which topics are important for you.
Please prepare some talks. It could be anything, from cool technologies to deployment strategies, development processes or even how to motivate an employee.
All of the content is attendee-driven, don't be shy and lets have a great weekend.
If you have any questions feel free to contact the team of organizers.
See you on the island of majorca!
Judith, Julia, Fabian, Karl
A big thank you to our sponsors:
Innogames,, shopware, 100days, eventim, marmalade, NFQ, MySQL / Oracle & SysEleven!